Together as
One in Dance
In this life and this society that we live in, it’s important to come together as one. We believe one way to unite people is through music and dance, so we have organized the Formal Dance Society. This entity is ever-changing and expanding, but the concept is simple: to get together, dance and listen to world class artists (DJs and Bands) in both public venues and private events. In order to accomplish this in Lexington, we have to organize and each do our part, formally, as one.
Fresh Updates
THIS SATURDAY! House tunes and custom egg rolls for Valentine’s Weekend. Our hearts are full. See you at Timmy Two Time’s!

NEXT SATURDAY 2/15 we are back at Timmy Two Time’s! Come as you are or bring your date for a Valentine’s weekend party. Stellar food, stiff drinks and dancing beats.

Who is ready for another throw down? We are off this weekend, but back at it for Valentine’s Saturday!

Shout out to everyone that made our FDS debut and Corey’s birthday an overwhelming success @theburlarcade last weekend! Stay tuned to @theburlky calendar for our next super fun soirée coming soon.

The place to be for good times tonight is @theburlky for sure! Vinyl Richie doing a Studio 54 party in the concert hall and then swing over late night to @theburlarcade as the FDS squad brings the funky tunes.

THIS SATURDAY 2/1! Surprise, it’s the first FDS event at @theburlarcade featuring @djjacesucks @natefx @scotty_blaze all for our squad members 50th birthday! Cheers to Corey (DJ Desire). No cover. Great drinks. Coolest atmosphere. And, there’s a Studio 54 disco party right next door at @theburlky so it’s the perfect fit. Swing through!
#HouseMusic #Disco #ShareTheLex #LexingtonTourism #TheBurl #EDM #FormalDanceSociety

As Kentucky mascots go, we’re famous for the Wildcat, Cocaine Bear and the Cardinal. Probably in that order.
#Kentucky #KentuckyWildcats #LouisvilleCardinals #CocaineBear #FormalDanceSociety #MusicStudio #HouseMusic #EDM #PioneerDJ

Next month 2/15/25 we have a special one for the Timmy Two Time’s monthly! Make plans now. Grab some Valentine’s food, some drinks and tap those feets to funky house beats.

When Jenny Nashville says “here go hold this sign up” to @scotty_blaze at the warehouse gig. CHOON!